Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Return of HNT

So, my promise to myself to post a weekly HNT (half-naked Thursday) was totally derailed by the intrusion of Diabetes into my little universe. It's hard to think about body scapes and tasteful pictures of this body that has housed me for 33 years when I'm up at 2am checking blood sugars and trolling through websites for ways to make our lives easier.

I struggled with this picture. It shows more of me than any of my previous pictures. I'm hesitant to post it, because it's very honest, the pinky pallor of my skin, the curves of flesh that resemble a landscape far more than an ideal bodyscape, the freckles...

But, this is the body that housed my midget for 40 long weeks, the body that comforts her when life gets too tough, the body that hugs my nieces and nephews, the body that has laughed for an uncountable number of hours with my beloved Archaeogoddess, the body that I have promised myself I would learn to love, if not for my sake, then for the sake of my midget, who needs to see that self worth should not be measured by numbers, or whether or not you look like the models on the covers of the magazines.

Thank you to everyone who comes here, and keeps coming back, regardless of the number of half nekked pictures I post, or the number of times I use "fuck" in a sentence. Thanks for letting me be me, and being brave enough to come back.



Osbasso said...

I'm right there with you on the hate of diabetes! I'm fortunate in that I don't have to do any of the middle of the night testing, but it's still a pain in the ass!

And what a fine picture! This is what HNT is all about--showing the parts that you don't necessarily feel comfortable about showing. Most of us have gone through that phase (or still going through it) ourselves. Good for you!

LouAnn said...
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LouAnn said...

I think this is beautiful! Yes, it shows the lovely, natural pink tinged colour of your skin, and the "landscapes" consisting of curves and character, show a real human body, and gotta love the "angel kisses" (freckles)- this is real and beautiful....this is what artists glorify in a time when women looked liked women....and I salute you and admire you for sharing on HNT - and for your efforts to love yourself, not just for the midget (who, hopefully will grow up to love herself becasue of her mum) but for you. I love you

Cheeky Minx said...

Welcome back!!!

I'm sorry I haven't been around and sorry to hear about your diabetes. But you certainly aren't looking any worse for wear. Damn sexy... ;)

wayne said...

real honest pictures are great

great picture its nor what anyone looks like it is how you feel

Dee said...

Lovely Laura - I did a double-take because your photo looks so much like it's of me! You look stunning and beautiful and very, very pretty. Thank you so much for sharing yourself with us!

xx Dee

BTExpress said...

I decided a long time ago that I am fine with my body too. You know what? When I was fine, others were fine with it too. Some women actually prefer me this way and complained when I said I was loosing weight. God bless 'em.